Bulk texting software presents some truly incredible opportunities for businesses to take advantage of, whether they’re using it for ticket sales or to bring attention to a new product release. Regardless of the reason, there is little else that compares to the comprehensive customer outreach provided by direct messaging. 

Of course, this also makes personalized texting software a double-edged sword. To enjoy successful campaigns, you’ll have to ensure you’re targeting the right demographic with every message — and doing so accurately. 

Sound complicated? It doesn’t have to be. Stick around as we cover some considerations to keep in mind the next time you write a campaign. 

1. Don’t Group Existing Customers with Prospects 

Imagine this: You’ve been a loyal patron at a local business for years, purchasing their products regularly and enjoying their services. As such, you decide to sign up to their bulk texts for a chance at new deals and offers. Soon after, you receive a message directed to first-time clients that gives them an exclusive amazing discount — and nothing for you. As a result, you become so upset at being left out that you stop shopping there entirely.  

This would be quite upsetting, no? To avoid making the same mistake with your clients, separate your texts into two groups: One for prospects (i.e., those who aren’t yet regular buyers) and another for existing customers. This way, you won’t accidentally alienate either group. 

2. Identify Your Desired Demographics 

When you think of your customer, what comes to mind? Are they a single mother searching for premium products to clean a busy home? A teenager who wants to impress their friends with edgy clothing pieces? A pet owner who requires quality leashes? Perhaps, a combination of all three? 

No matter what services or products you sell, splitting these customers into separate demographics (i.e., age, financial status, gender, etc.) will make life much easier when it comes to setting up your personalized texting software. Doing so ensures your messages don’t fall on deaf ears, keeping you from wasting money and irritating prospects with offers irrelevant to them. 

3. Don’t Forget About Your Most Loyal Clients 

You’ve put in the effort to create a winning product, provide exceptional customer service, and develop a list of loyal clients eager to support your business. The hard work is done, right? 

Not exactly. If you only focus on acquiring prospects and ignore the customers you already have, you risk losing their attention over time. 

For example, imagine if a concert venue only used their texting efforts to give discounts for ticket sales to first-time buyers. After enjoying that coupon, you wouldn’t have much reason to keep coming back, would you? 

So, don’t forget about those first few clients. If anything, they deserve the most love! 

Connect With Your Clients on a Personal Level

Searching for the best bulk texting software to propel your business? We’re happy to say your search is over; Stacked Messenger is the best solution for connecting with your clients and turning them into lifelong customers. Learn more today! 

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